12100번: 2048 (Easy)
첫째 줄에 보드의 크기 N (1 ≤ N ≤ 20)이 주어진다. 둘째 줄부터 N개의 줄에는 게임판의 초기 상태가 주어진다. 0은 빈 칸을 나타내며, 이외의 값은 모두 블록을 나타낸다. 블록에 쓰여 있는 수는 2
12100번: 2048 (Easy) / gold 2 / 백트래킹
import sys
import copy
input = sys.stdin.readline
# 방향(상하좌우)에 따라 그래프 움직이는 함수
def move_graph(dir, graph):
collision = set()
# 좌
if dir == 0:
for y in range(1, N):
for x in range(N):
nx, ny = x, y
# 붙이기(쏠림)
while ny >= 1 and graph[nx][ny] >= 1 and graph[nx][ny-1] == 0:
graph[nx][ny-1], graph[nx][ny] = graph[nx][ny],0
nx, ny = nx, ny-1
# 합치기
if ny >= 1:
if graph[nx][ny] >= 1 and graph[nx][ny-1] == graph[nx][ny]:
if (nx, ny-1) not in collision:
graph[nx][ny-1] *= 2
graph[nx][ny] = 0
collision.add((nx, ny-1))
# 우
elif dir == 1:
for y in range(N-2, -1,-1):
for x in range(N):
nx, ny = x, y
# 붙이기(쏠림)
while ny <= N-2 and graph[nx][ny] >= 1 and graph[nx][ny+1] == 0:
graph[nx][ny+1], graph[nx][ny] = graph[nx][ny],0
nx, ny = nx, ny+1
# 합치기
if ny <= N-2:
if graph[nx][ny] >= 1 and graph[nx][ny+1] == graph[nx][ny]:
if (nx, ny+1) not in collision:
graph[nx][ny+1] *= 2
graph[nx][ny] = 0
collision.add((nx, ny+1))
# 상
elif dir == 2:
for x in range(1, N):
for y in range(N):
nx, ny = x, y
# 붙이기(쏠림)
while nx >= 1 and graph[nx][ny] >= 1 and graph[nx-1][ny] == 0:
graph[nx-1][ny], graph[nx][ny] = graph[nx][ny],0
nx, ny = nx-1, ny
# 합치기
if nx >= 1:
if graph[nx][ny] >= 1 and graph[nx-1][ny] == graph[nx][ny]:
if (nx-1, ny) not in collision:
graph[nx-1][ny] *= 2
graph[nx][ny] = 0
collision.add((nx-1, ny))
# 하
for x in range(N-2, -1, -1):
for y in range(N):
nx, ny = x, y
# 붙이기(쏠림)
while nx <= N-2 and graph[nx][ny] >= 1 and graph[nx+1][ny] == 0:
graph[nx+1][ny], graph[nx][ny] = graph[nx][ny],0
nx, ny = nx+1, ny
# 합치기
if nx <= N-2:
if graph[nx][ny] >= 1 and graph[nx+1][ny] == graph[nx][ny]:
if (nx+1, ny) not in collision:
graph[nx+1][ny] *= 2
graph[nx][ny] = 0
collision.add((nx+1, ny))
# 그래프 백트래킹 함수
def backtracking(depth, graph):
global res
if depth == 5:
max_num = 0
for line in graph:
if max_num < max(line):
max_num = max(line)
for dir in range(4):
copy_graph = copy.deepcopy(graph)
move_graph(dir, copy_graph)
backtracking(depth + 1, copy_graph)
# 입력받기
N = int(input())
graph = []
for _ in range(N):
graph.append(list(map(int, input().split())))
# 백트래킹 실행하기
res = []
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